Huron Valley Swim & Dive
To view volunteer requirements click here: Volunteer requirements
To sign up, use the following links:
Chair Event Sign Up
Fun Friday Event Sign Up
Championships Sign Up
Banquet Sign Up
Championship Week Ice Cream Volunteers Sign Up
In order to make each meet a success, we need lots of volunteers at home swim meets. A description of each position is listed below the sign-ups for your convenience.
FIRST HOME MEET: Racquet Club: June 25th
Concessions Workers: Sell concession foods (hot dogs, bagels, coffee, pop, etc.) to customers and replenish items as needed. Four people allows for volunteers to rotate enabling them to watch their swimmers.
Timers: use stopwatches to start each race at the sound of the start and stop the race when the swimmer in their lane touches the wall at the end of the race. Timers work in threes at every lane and record the times on provided time sheets, which are then collected by a Runner. Timers must attend the Timer's Meeting conducted by the Starter, which is held 15 to 30 minutes prior to the start of the meet.
Runners: take the Time Sheet from each lane to the Scoring Table. Also check with the Stroke and Turn Judges for warning and DQ forms, which are also taken to the Scoring Table.
Heat Ribbons: Give out Heat Ribbons to the 1st place swimmer or relay team members in each heat.
Age Group Marshals: help out at both home and away meets. 2 marshals are needed for each of the following age groups for both boys and girls: 8 and under boys, 8 and under girls, 9&10 boys, 9&10 girls, 11&12 boys, 11&12 girls. Age group Marshals hold the event cards for each event and distribute them to swimmers prior to each event. They organize swimmers in order of their heats and lanes prior to walking them to the Head Marshal. Also help swimmers be where they need to be so no event is missed.
Head Marshal: organizes all swimmers from both teams in the Marshaling area into specific lanes and heats for every event. Experience helpful.
Assistant Marshal: Assist Head Marshal with organizing swimmers for each event.
Scorers: tabulate point totals for each event at scorer’s table. Two scorers require experience, two do not. All scorers sit in the shade under a canopy with the best view of the meet!
Finish Judges: call out the order of finish for all lanes.
Finish writers: transcribe the order of finish for all lanes as called out by the Finish Judges.
Stroke and turn judges: are positioned on both sides of the pool and watch to ensure that swimmers are using proper strokes and executing turns correctly. They may either issue warnings or disqualify a swimmer and must sign or initial any disqualification card, which will specify the infraction.
Starter: Responsible for bringing Swimmers to their mark to begin each race using the audio start system. Works closely with the Head Timer to make sure that everybody is ready to start the next race.
We need 10 volunteers for each home dive meet. Consider one of the positions listed below the sign-ups!
FIRST HOME MEET: Racquet Club - June 24th
SECOND HOME MEET: DCAC - July 1st (if they have a dive team)
Announcer: Reads the Dive cards
Scorer: Writes down judge card scores
Dive Difficulty: Converts scores based on difficulty of the dive
Score Tally: Sums converted scores
Score Checker: Goes over scorecard for review/corrections
Our fun friday events are free for all swimmers following their practices on Fridays. We need voluteers to make all of these events a success.
Events include: Cereal Party, pancake breakfast, tie-dye and more!
The end of the year banquet for swim, dive, and tennis is a great way to finish an excellent season.
The main dish is typically provided however side dishes and more are needed to make this event a success!