Huron Valley Swim & Dive
Dear 2022 Swim/Dive Families:
We appreciate our volunteers from 2021! As we prepare for the 2022 season, we request all Swim/Dive families strive to volunteer for at least 3 hrs. total during the Swim & Dive season. This applies to families with children participating in meets. We especially appreciate the families who have consistently volunteered to support Swim & Dive. It is important for ALL families to get involved to support the teams. It is rewarding to work together, meet new people and make these events a success! As a last resort, if your family or caregiver is unable to volunteer, donations are welcome to support the team and volunteers. Donations can be collected at the HVSC office.
Job sign-up timing: last minute sign-up is not ideal and creates stress for staff, coaches and volunteers. Please plan ahead and strive to sign-up at least 1 week prior to the meet or event. Volunteer positions will be open at least 1-2 months prior to the event.
Note #1: if you sign-up to volunteer and a conflict arises please:
Find another person to fill your position
Notify the Swim/Dive Volunteer Coordinator (kiirsa@aol.com) or HVSC Office staff of any change
Note: #2: If you have a child swimming in POD, volunteering is a great way to meet new people and get involved! Any time you can commit to Swim/Dive events is appreciated!
Exempt Positions:
Although we welcome all parent/caregiver volunteers for Swim & Dive events - Board members, Swim/Dive Volunteer Coordinator & Chairs (Swim/Dive, Concessions, Banquet, Fun Friday) are exempt from additional volunteer responsibilities given their role. We value & appreciate leadership from both our volunteers and paid staff. Club Manager, Assistant Managers, Coaches and other paid staff are exempt from volunteering and whenever possible will support our many volunteers and events.
Thank you for your commitment to Swim & Dive teams. Have a fun season!
~ HVSC Club Manager & Board of Directors